The books

Cover art: Dennis Samson

Peaches is here. Are you ready?

“Embrace Your Inner Peaches” is an all-new collection of 52 leadership analogies from Alan’s coaching practice. From his mind or the minds of his clients, these stories help reframe common leadership challenges.

Take a ride on Air Force One, visit the tennis court and open the junk drawer as a way to think differently about your leadership!

The analogies are organized into six sections:

  1. Inside the Leader's Mind

  2. Presence: How We Show Up, and How We Come Across

  3. Managing Key Relationships

  4. Delegation and Developing Others

  5. Career Progress and Transitions

  6. Coaching

Each story has a hand-drawn illustration by Lindy Russell-Heymann.

(List price $22.99 + shipping, best way to support the author)

($50, shipping included)

Print (other sources):


Cover art: Dennis Samson

Human beings are expert storytellers.

“Don’t Just Have the Soup” is a collection of 52 analogies from Alan’s coaching practice. Sometimes, the analogies come to his own mind. Sometimes, they hatch from the minds of clients or other coaches.

Analogies are a simple way to weave stories together and meet people where they are. In coaching, they're a powerful tool for reframing what the client is experiencing.

They’re organized around 6 topics: 

  • The leader mindset

  • Communication

  • Time and attention

  • Relationships

  • Transitions

  • Coaching

(List price $19.99 + shipping, best way to support the author)

($50, shipping included)

